Mon - Sun 0900 - 1800 [email protected]
Mon - Sun 0900 - 1800 [email protected]

V-Health Passport™ – Consumer

Introducing the V-Health Passport™ - Secure ID & Contact Tracing Platform

The ‘digital health passport’ & ‘contact tracing’ platform created using VST Enterprises revolutionary patented VCode® and VPlatform™ technology.

The V-Health Passport™ is a simple to use I.D system that can display various health status’ about the passport holder in the most secure way.

VHealth Scan permissions also allow other items to be viewed from the issued Passport such as travel and event tickets.

Once the public user has registered their details via the V-Health Passport™ portal or mobile phone application (available on both Android and iOS), they can request an appointment with their nearest test centre via the V-Health Platform™

V-Health Passport™ - Public Sign Up

Create an Account

It’s free for members of the public to sign up and use their V-Health Passport. Watch the video below to see how to sign up.

V-Health PassportV-Health Passport™ - Test Centres

Find a Test Centre

Our approved centres follow their Governments guidelines to deliver the best available testing solutions including Rapid Antigen/Antibody & PCR.

Using Your V-Health Passport™

Users receive their VCode® in the App and Platform after the first item is assigned to them. Users can download their VCode® or print off their V-Health certificate for use.

V-Health Passport™ - Notifications


Users receive notifications automatically when an Item has been assigned to them or due to expire. Users also receive a notification if a positive contact has been recorded with a Venue VCode® or V-Health Passport™ VCode®. Notifications are via the App, Platform and Email.

V-Health Passport™ Status

Scanning other V-Health Passports™

Public users will only get to see a GDPR friendly view of other users V-Health Passports™. All interactions with VCodes are recorded in the V-Health Platform™.

If any users test positive and have had a scan interaction with another user or venue within 72 hours prior, they will be notified automatically by the V-Health Platform™ to book in a new test.

V-Health Passport™ - Venue VCode Scan

Scanning Venue VCodes

Public users scanning a Venue VCode® will see a dropdown symptoms checker. Once complete, they will be able to show to the venue manager they have checked in.

All interactions with VCodes are recorded in the V-Health Platform™. If any users test positive and have had a scan interaction with another user or venue within 72 hours prior, they will be notified automatically by the V-Health Platform™ to book in a new test.

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